September 16, 2008

Tent Pegs

Tent Pegs !

SOTW Roman Tent Stakes
These four Roman tent pegs are the replicas of the original finds, discovered in the Kupa river near Sisak and now held in the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb, Croatia (the originals are published in Militaria Sisciensia—Finds of the Roman military equipment from Sisak in the holdings of the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb). A large peg is 291mm in length, and is similar to the type documented among the finds from Numantia, which would speak in favor of its early date. Three smaller specimens are 181mm, 171mm, and 152mm in length. They are of the same type, which was in regular use already from the Republican period and throughout the 1st century AD. Similar pegs of both types are depicted in RME, page 70, fig. 35, items 5-9.

The Roman army made prolific use of tents, so the discovery of a multitude of tent pegs on numerous sites is not surprising. It should be mentioned that even though such artifacts are normally considered tent pegs, that was probably not their only function. They could have also been used as pegs for tethering horses, and perhaps as the tools for marking the camp layout. These are special order items so allow 3-4 months for delivery for now, we will stock them eventually! Throw away those modern pegs!!!!

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